Building amazing websites that grow your business.


Your website is your most important salesperson. They don’t sleep, ask for leave and are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s more to a website than a pretty design.

We help our clients win hearts, minds and business by executing websites that motivates user behaviours, informs their beliefs and empowers them to act.

Web Design & Development

A compelling website is a critical part of your brand, company and campaign. Our in-house work closely with you to design and develop custom-made websites that truly resemble your vision and ethos.

Mobile Responsive

With over 93% of all Kiwis accessing the internet on their mobile devices, having a mobile responsive website is not an option but a requirement.


Building and optimising an eCommerce business is fundamental for success. Verum has a proven track record of helping eCommerce businesses grow their business exponentially online.


Not all hosting is created equal. Most providers in New Zealand offer shared hosting, we spare no expense to ensure that all of our clients websites have dedicated resources allocated to them.

Website Integration

Running a business takes a village - of software tools. We integrate your website with all the third party providers and software tools you use to run your business, to scale your growth and keep your operations running smoothly.

Utilising independent third party testing tools provided by Google.

By utilising independent third party testing tools provided by Google (which we openly share with our clients), we ensure that your website not only looks amazing, but it’s coded to perfection and will generate revenue.

Your website is your most important salesperson.

Your website is your most important salesperson. They don’t sleep, ask for leave and are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There’s more to a website than a pretty design.

Our Website Process.

We plan.

This is the initial stage of website development where the project scope, goals and objectives, target audience, and budget are defined. In this stage, the developer will gather all the necessary information about the project, such as the client's business and branding, the industry they operate in, and the target audience.

We design & develop.

This stage involves designing and creating the website. The design process includes creating a visual layout for the website, including the use of colours, typography, and imagery. Then, the developer will use various technologies such as Wordpress, Shopify, Magento, and programming languages such as PHP, Ruby, or Python to build the website and integrate its functionality.

We test & deploy.

Once the website is developed, it goes through a testing phase to ensure that all the features and functionality work correctly, and that the website is free of errors. This stage also includes testing the website's responsiveness and compatibility with different browsers and devices. Once the website has passed all testing, it is deployed to a live server for users to access.

Website questions?
How long does it take to develop a website?

The time it takes to design and develop a website depends on a variety of internal & external factors, including the scale and complexity of the project. Generally, a typical website design project can take anywhere between 6 to 12 weeks. This estimate accounts for the entire process, from initial planning and design to development and launch. However, more extensive projects, especially those requiring custom features or complex web applications may be longer.

How do I choose the right platform for my website?

Most importantly, a website platform must align with your business model, technical capacity, and growth ambitions. Consider the platform's ease of use, maintenance requirements, customisation options, and the specific features necessary for your business operations. Budgetary constraints and the platform's ability to scale with your business are also key factors to consider.

All of our websites are custom-built.

How do I choose the right hosting for my website?

Choosing the right hosting for your website involves considering factors like uptime reliability, customer support, scalability, and the specific features offered. For example, shared hosting might be cost-effective for new or smaller sites, while dedicated hosting can provide more resources for larger, high-traffic sites. It's important to evaluate the technical requirements of your site and potential growth when selecting a hosting provider.

How do I add eCommerce functionality to my website?

To add eCommerce functionality to your website, you can use platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce for WordPress. These platforms offer various payment processing options and can be customized to fit your business needs, providing a seamless shopping experience for your customers. They also support a wide range of eCommerce features, such as inventory management and shipping integrations​.

How do I maintain and update my website after it’s been launched?

Maintaining and updating your website post-launch is crucial for security, performance, and user experience. Regularly update your CMS, themes, and plugins to their latest versions. Schedule backups and monitor your site for any unusual activity. Utilize tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to monitor your site's performance and implement recommended optimizations to improve loading times and user experience​.

How do I make my website secure?

Securing your website involves implementing SSL certificates to encrypt data, regularly updating software and plugins, using strong passwords, and employing security plugins or services. It's also beneficial to conduct regular security scans and be vigilant about phishing attempts or unusual login activities. Educating yourself and your team on security best practices can further protect your site from potential threats.

Does my website need an upgrade?

Determining whether your website needs an upgrade involves evaluating several key aspects. If your site hasn't been updated in over four years, it's likely time for a refresh to ensure it meets current web standards and user expectations. Modern web design emphasises mobile responsiveness, as the majority of web browsing now occurs on mobile devices. A site that isn't optimised for these devices may not display correctly, affecting user experience and potentially your search engine rankings.

Upgradingyour website isn't just about keeping up with aesthetic trends; it's about ensuring the site functions well for your audience, remains secure, and continues to support your business goals effectively. Regular updates can improve the user experience, enhance your site's performance in search engines, and keep your content relevant and engaging.